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Jackall Anchovy Metal Type 1 Slow Pitch Jig

$17.99 – $22.99

Rapid subsidence! A starter metal jig aiming at a large-sized fish. “ANCHOVY METAL TYPE-l” is an action setting with reduced amplitude and is the basic model of the hairtail jigging....


Rapid subsidence! A starter metal jig aiming at a large-sized fish.

“ANCHOVY METAL TYPE-l” is an action setting with reduced amplitude and is the basic model of the hairtail jigging. It also has the speed of a fall that can quickly aim at range, and it is also effective for the reaction bite that uses the fall speed. Inviting, one-pitch short jerk is ideal when you want to comfortably handle a fast-paced invitation and explore a wide range of people. By rotating the anchovy metal that is planned to be developed in multiple series and lures such as ANCHOVY MISSILE, you will be able to enjoy the more game-friendly hairtail jigging.

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160g, 200g, 250g


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